A downloadable game

Space Aliens are invading! Only you can blast them all and save the day with your experimental starfighter. Blast the enemies, rack up your score, and have fun!

This is a small space shooter game with a minimalist theme, put together by two developers on opposite sides of an ocean in what spare time was available. We hope you have fun, enjoy the music, and forgive any small mistakes you might encounter.

Gamepad controls are only known to work with Xbox-style controllers.

There is a purely visual bug where rarely the lightning effect from an enemy's homing stun blob will not go away when your ship recovers from the stun. This has no gameplay impact.

= Developers =
- Exyder -
Audio design, enemy design, level design, 3D models, and particle effects.

- Groundhound -
Game mechanics, UI, tool development, level design, and programming.

= Test Pilots (Bugtesters) =
Mike "ProbablyFake" Shotwell


2020-04-18 Blastflight v1_0.7z 95 MB
2020-04-18 Blastflight v1_0.zip 120 MB

Install instructions

Download either the .zip or the .7z archive, unzip it, and click the "Blastflight" executable to play!
(Both the .zip and the .7z archive contain the same game, the .7z compresses to a smaller size and is provided as an option for player convenience.)

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